Eight North Rift governors sign cooperation agreement to boost trade !

NOREB Governors after the singing of the cooperation agreement at the Uasin Gishu County headquarters Friday.
Eight governors from the North Rift region that forms the North Rift economic Block (NOREB) Friday signed a cooperation agreement among the NOREB counties.
This agreement will activate a NOREB Bill that will be presented to the County Assemblies and form the basis under which NOREB will get a legal backing. NOREB has been in existence for more than five years without a legal framework.
“We have therefore come up with a NOREB Bill – 2023 that will be adopted and ratified by the various county governments.”Opined The Noreb Chair and Nandi governor Stephen Sang.
The NOREB bloc seeks to build on the competitive advantages of the differing economies of member counties through fostering intra-regional trade as well as taking advantage of economies of scale from the various counties.
The bloc will act as a one-stop shop for investors seeking opportunities in the region. The integration will also enable individual counties that are sometimes too small to leverage economies of scale, to jointly attract and implement large projects.
The integration shall also be exercised in a way that supports national economic policies, local economic activities across the county boundaries and enhance national mobility of goods, services, capital or labour hence spur growth and transformation of peoples livelihoods.