25 arrested for cutting down trees;KFS issues stern warning

Kenya forest service will celebrate International Day of Forest on 21st of March by planting at least 1,000 seedlings at Mwanambeyu girls secondary/Photo Caroline Kahonzi
By Caroline Kahonzi
Kenya forest services has threatened to take legal action against persons found cutting down trees unlawfully .
The warning comes following increasing cases of people involved in charcoal burning businesses .
Kwale county Kenya forest service boss Blessings Maghanga, affirmed in the last three months at least 25 locals have been arrested and are facing charges for neglecting government ban on deforestation.
“We have approximately 25 cases at Kwale law courts ,these numbers are high so we will not turn back ,any person found guilty of violating forest laws will be charged in a court of law,”said Mr.Maghanga .
Mr.Maghanga noted that Kwale county has a 5.2 percent forest cover and almost 14 percent tree cover.
“On tree cover the numbers are not bad we are almost 14 percent compared to the National tree coverage but on forest cover we are still down at 5.2 percent while the National coverage is at 7 percent ,”Posed Mr.Maghanga .
The forest boss called upon Kwale locals to embrace other activities for a living instead of deforestation
“ Understand locals are facing hard times following the continuous drought that is being experienced but KfS officers will not by any chance allow locals to cut down trees , looking at the benefits of trees ,our forests like Shimba Hills are water catchments areas and of now water sources are drying up due to prolonged drought so this tells us that we need to double up our efforts to conserve our forests ,”Opined Mr.Maghanga .
At the same time Mr.Maghanga warned farmers against using fire to clear their farms terming the move to have affected the forest .
“ We are facing a challenge with our farmers who are preparing their farms using fire methods. We have seen the fire burning our forests, hence adversely affecting our conservation efforts ,so I am urging farmers to stop this method because it affects soil fertility resulting in low yields,” noted Mr. Maghanga .
Mr.Maghanga emphasized the importance of planting and conserving trees to mitigate climate change
“As Kenya forest services we are sensitizing communities to prepare seedlings during this dry period and plant on their farms during the rainy season ,trees are capable of trapping carbon dioxide that has increased the levels of heat ,so if people embrace tree planting in plenty then climate change would be a thing of the past ,”Reiterated Mr.Maghanga
Kenya forest service will celebrate International Day of Forest on 21st of March whereby kwale kfs is set to plant at least 1,000 seedlings at Mwanambeyu girls secondary school Matuga sub -county.