Revealed!Grade 3 children abusing drugs


FACADA officer with Sunday school and madrasa teachers at FPFK church Ukunda/Photo Caroline kahonzi

By Caroline Kahonzi

Faith community against drug abuse organization FACADA   has  initiated  a special project  of training religious groups  to  campaign  against drug abuse among young girls and boys in kwale county .

The first phase   sees women of faith ,Sunday school and Madrassa teachers ,imams/sheikhs ,pastors ,elders and interfaith youth leaders  in Msambweni and lungalunga sub – counties .

Speaking to journalists  at FPFK church in Ukunda  during a sensitization meeting with Sunday school and madrassa teachers  FACADA officer Emmanuel Pendo Kahaso said the organization has come up with  a handbook that will guide them addressing drug abuse menace among children .

“ We are gathered here today with Sunday school and madrassa teachers trying to look for amicable solutions of ending drug abuse in our area ,I believe the handbook will guide them build good  life skills among children in church and madrassa to say no to drug abuse at an early stage ,”Said Mr.Kahaso .

Mr.kahaso termed drug abuse as a community disaster that needs joint efforts in fighting it perfectly .

“ This project  has brought together  different religious stakeholders  despite spiritual differences because children  belong to the society hence the  need of religious leaders to work together and ensure safe spaces in the community ,”Claimed Mr. Kahaso .

He urged parents to be responsible and be role models  that can be emulated by their children “some parents are a disappointment to their children ,they use hard drugs and this has resulted to their children following  the same route ,we have seen children of upto 5 years in grade 3 and 4 taking mugokaa and some have  introduced a new system of taking hard drugs using sweets and biscuits , children are highly targeted so there is need of educating them on the effects of drug abuse and say no to it,” Emphasized Mr.Kahaso .

On his side Bishop David Kiragu senior pastor FPFK Ukunda called upon religious leaders to be good ambassadors and  also  to mentor the society at large on the effects of drug abuse .

“ Parents should also benefit from this project for they are mentors of their children ,we don’t expect them to keep quiet but instead talk to their children on the effects of drug abuse ,”Reiterated bishop Kiragu .

Philomena Wambui Maina  a Sunday school teacher affirmed drug abuse to have affected a big number of children in Ukunda .

“ As a Sunday school teacher I have seen behavior change among children who are involved in using hard drugs  ,shunning away from church ,poor performance in school and this  tells me that a lot need to done ,more forums should be conducted  so as get the root cause and deal with it with urgent attention ,”Said Ms.Maina

Kwale women of faith  representative Hawa Abdul Salim  said the future of the young generation is not guaranteed if hard drugs will continue ruining the society .

“ our future lies on the hands of this  young generation  so its our time to come out and join hands with different organizations   to  amplify   our  voices and say no to drug abuse , we have seen drug addicts killed in cold blood ,where is our future  as society   ,we need peace  and safety of our children ,” Posed Ms Salim .

Kwale county commissioner Gideon oyagi  said security apparatus have  intensified investigations on drug barons in the county


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