Msambweni Sub County leads in HIV prevalence in Kwale County

Mercellina Mkalla co-ordinator CONPHAK/Photo Caroline Kahonzi
By Caroline Kahonzi
The department of health Kwale county has commenced a community sensitization forum against HIV/Aids infections .
Kwale has a HIV prevalence of 3.2 percent while nationally the prevalence is at 4.3 percent.
Kwale county executive committee for health Francis Gwama said Msambweni constituency has the highest prevalence of 4.8 percent among the four constituencies in Kwale county cases that are alarming .
“ it means we have high number of HIV infections in Msambweni and I think this is because we have Ukunda that is cosmopolitan town that has contributed to the rising cases ,that is why we have started sensitizing people to take measures and reduce the numbers of infections and re infections ,”said doctor Gwama .
Dr.Gwama stated that Msambweni constituency has the highest numbers of sexual gender based violence and teenage pregnancy with 1,3oo cases out of 7,000 cases of teenage pregnancies reported in kwale this year.
“ When we look at the measures of the prevalence is at 4.8 percent with 1,300 pregnancy is very high ,so it is high time for the community to take measures and end HIV infections ,”Noted Dr.Gwama .
Mr.Gwama called upon the community to use proper protection measures and end new infections.

“People should embrace proper use of condoms for their safety, let people be open because it’s a measure that when used properly it can protect people from contracting HIV infections ,”added Mr.Gwama
The county initiative comes as County network of people living with HIV in Kwale CONPHAK is implementing a global fund program in reducing HIV infection in Kwale county through Kenya Red cross .
Marcelina Mkala, program coordinator, said the project sees to ensure a society that is free from HIV and TB.
Mrs. Mkalla said the project that brings together different stakeholders aims at empowering people living with HIV in the community to enhance primary health care and social economic development in Kwale county ,”Said the Coordinator .
Mrs .Mkalla confirmed stigma to be real in community against people living with HIV .
“People living with HIV still experience stigmatization in the community, some communities still believe PLWHIV has a short life span so they become marginalized and fail to own big positions because people feel that when they elect someone living with HIV may die any time ,so stigma is still there and also exclusion , but I believe through this sensitization forums we will be able to end stigma and exclusions ,”Emphasized Mrs.Mkalla .