Gemstone dealers in Taita Taveta urge National Government to fully operationalize Voi Gemstone centre

Taita Taveta Governor Hosts Gemstone dealers at his Mwatate Office /Photo John Bongoli
By John Bongoli
Taita Taveta Governor Andrew Mwadime Thursday hosted a section of gemstone dealers who paid him a visit at his Mwatate Office.
Governor Mwadime noted that the mining sector is key in igniting the development of the county economy, calling for the need for professionalism in the exploration of minerals within the county.
“Mining is one of the key pillars in my manifesto As mining stakeholders we need to work together and fill the gaps that have been hindering the county from realizing the full potential of its mineral resources”. said the County Boss.

Gemstone dealers led by Javan Mghendi highlighted the need for players in the industry to adhere to all laws that govern the mining sector.
“We urge the government to accelerate the process of making the Voi gemstone center fully operational so that both small and large scale miners can get value for their minerals,” he added.
Edith Lewela, one of the women in the mining sector, challenged her counterparts to venture into the mining industry.
Atanus Senja from Mkuki mining CBO which was initiated by H.E Andrew Mwadime while serving as Member of Parliament for Mwatate urged the county boss to engage more groups as he strives to see the county prosper through mining